2nd-4th of May
In Person
w Luchana & Lubo
2nd – 4th of May 2025
Seeing everything in its non-dual nature brings clarity and a soft, organic dropping of the mental constructions around the main belief in I, me.
Seeing reality through concepts is so freeing – you start to experience how many of your ideas about life are really built on something unreal, like the illusion of a separate self.
And then it’s really helpful to shift from mind to heart, and actually start living your life in a way that reflects that nondual understanding of reality.
A weekend for a deep dive into our own direct experience, for guided meditations, various practices as: authentic movements, different role plays with the parts of ourselves which we abandon, neglect or claim as not deserving attention and love.
Although these practices are not a must they can influence the dynamics, soften the system by creating a peaceful and reflective environment.
The unfolding during the weekend doesn’t end with the sessions or practices.
There is an ongoing invitation to deepen and reflect together through the whole period.
Agenda (may vary)
Friday, 2nd of May,
5 pm – 7 pm Central European Time
Welcoming meeting
Saturday 3rd of May
10:00 am : 12:00 pm CET session 1
2:30 – 4:00 pm CET session 2
4:30 – 6:00 pm CET session 3
Sunday 4th of May
10:00 am : 12:00 pm CET session 1
2:30 – 4:00 pm CET session 2
4:30 – 6:00 pm CET session 3
Early Bird for limited 10 spots – 180 E – Includes all the meetings and practices, costs for renting the space, emotional support during your stay.
Regular Price – 230 E
Casa d’Espiritualitat Sant Felip Neri
C/Nena Casas 37-47
08017 Barcelona
Accommodation takes place in a beautiful space of Casa D’Espiritualitat Sant Felip Neri
You can book your single or double room at
indicating the event and you will be accommodated according to availability.
The sooner you book, the better.
Prices per night:
Single room shared bathroom, breakfast included – 37 euro
Single room with private bathroom, breakfast included – 49 euro
Double room, shared bathroom, breakfast included – 73 euro
Double room, private bathroom, breakfast included – 85 euro
Option for a vegetarian/gluten free/lactose free lunch & dinner – additional price upon request 14,50 Euro.
More about us:
We are Luchana & Lubo – sharing the beauty of living non duality. Based in South France where our Non Dual Center welcomes people from all over the world and helping them to see through the illusion of separation.
Working both in person and online with individuals and groups, Holding several retreats in Europe each year.
We were amazed to find that the so called non dual realisation is not the end, but just the beginning of liberation.
Our goal is not to fix anyone, but to share what works for us and to invite you to walk along if it resonates.
What is it like to come and be with us?
Friends are sharing experiences of
– feeling accepted and understood on a different level, making it easier to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged.
– feeling deep sense of calmness and groundedness being fully engaged in the moment, whether we are interacting, working, or simply enjoying life.
– feeling supported with a great emotional stability which opens a space for what wants to come up to simply come up.
– softening of the resistance as well as the habitual patterns of avoidance, bamboozling etc.
See what friends are sharing about the aliveness and richness of coming together like that
Book your spot by emailing and sending a payment using one of the following links:
You tube
Can’ t wait to be with you
Much love
Luchana & Lubo
Join Thursday’s Zoom meetings
Hi dear friends,
We open a safety space where you can drop and feel supported to investigate and play with the boundless freedom which we are, embracing the infinite potential of this playground called Life.
Explore. Create. Enjoy
Each Thursday, 6 pm Central European Time there are online meetings via zoom.
Meetings are free of charge for the members on YT member’s area and are uploaded as member’s only videos.
Give support receive support
If you need more info write us
Past events:
Retreat Restart Refresh New Year w Luchana & Lubo